• Expo e-commerce

    Sell products and/or services from within your stand with the built-in eCommerce feature...

  • Multi-media presentations

    Choose the template that matches your presentation needs and start uploading your files...

  • Expo Banner Ads

    Allow affiliates and related businesses to advertise on your expo with banner ads...

Banner Two Banner One

This is quite possibly the most powerful online tradeshow system available, remarkably simple to manage, and completely customisable. Features range from e-commerce and  live chat, to easily tailored multi-media presentations. No special applications are required to view content and every expo is optimised automatically to allow users with lower bandwidth to still be able to take advantage of special expo features.


Administration is also simple and allows every stand to be individually managed. Most features, such as blogs, chat, e-commerce are automatically included in every participant's stand, and these items can be configured at the flick of a switch to operate as needed. Every expo is completely scalable - so you can have as many participants as you require... and for design, this too is inexpensive and easily implemented. Just send us an email and we can get you started.

Create my own expo

Make your expo experience your own:

  • Update and manage your personal details
  • Keep track of events & saved bookmarks
  • Send messages to other expo users
  • Make reminder notes
  • This is your very own area of the expo
  • Everything you need in one place!